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An estimated 31.1% of U.S. adults experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. Some people are naturally more predisposed to anxiety than others, depending on their life experiences and personality traits.  

Message-Based Psychology (MBP) views anxiety as both an emotion – specifically, the fear of being unprepared for potential future events – and a behavior that communicates this fear to others. Our treatment addresses both aspects.

Reducing the feeling of anxiety involves clarifying one’s social role and establishing clear interpersonal boundaries. We’ve found that these roles and boundaries are essential for managing expectations effectively.  For the behavioral aspect, we guide our clients to express their fears in alternative ways, such as through verbal communication. 

Our approach is effective in treating a range of anxiety disorders, including complex conditions like social anxiety (extreme shyness) and various phobias. 

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(201) 497-0289

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