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Dyslexia & Dyscalculia

Dyslexia Dyscalculia

According to Message-based Psychology (MBP), the autistic spectrum does conclude with neurotypicality; it extends to include dyslexia. Clinically, dyslexia is recognized as a learning disability affecting reading abilities. MBP introduces the concept of an autistic-dyslexic spectrum, placing everyone somewhere between clinical autism and clinical dyslexia. Individuals closer to the dyslexic end typically excel in identifying similarities but struggle to notice differences. This insight has led to innovative treatments for dyslexia and related conditions on this spectrum.

People within the dyslexic range may not always exhibit typical dyslexic symptoms (like reading and writing challenges) but might face difficulties in understanding mathematical concepts, a condition known as dyscalculia. While some attribute this to gaps in current educational methods, MBP acknowledges the reality of this condition and suggests effective strategies for overcoming it. These include contextualizing mathematical concepts to utilize their intuitive strengths and employing guess-and-check techniques over traditional logic and memorization. 

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