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5 Practical Tips to Start Fixing Your Marriage Today

Couples Therapy Works

Partnership or marriage can be a beautiful journey filled with love, companionship, and shared experiences. However, like any relationship, it can face challenges and rough patches. When issues arise, it’s crucial to address them proactively to prevent a complete breakdown. Here are five practical tips to help you fix a broken marriage and reignite the love and connection you once had.

NB: The examples are real, but our clients’ names and other details have been changed to protect their identities.

Happy Couple Sunset or Sunrise

#1. Open Communication: The Cornerstone of a Healthy Relationship

Communication is vital in any successful relationship. Often, couples experiencing problems have lost the ability to communicate effectively and feel stuck in a seemingly unsolvable predicament. In such cases, the relationship may drown in misunderstandings, resentment, and a breakdown in trust. As Dr. Fradkov, founder of the Advanced Psychology Institute, advises, at least one partner should be honest and open about the issues and express the need for resolution: “We have a problem; we need to find a way or seek professional help to resolve it and move on.”

Example: Sarah and Tom faced a communication breakdown. Sarah felt neglected because Tom spent long hours at work and weekends on his laptop, believing his efforts were understood and appreciated. However, Sarah felt disconnected and unloved. Tom suggested couples counseling, and they sought help from our office. Through open discussions in a safe space under the supervision of a marriage expert, Sarah and Tom were able to reconnect and work towards a solution.

Tip: Schedule regular check-ins with your partner to discuss your feelings, needs, and any issues that may have arisen. Practice active listening and try to understand your partner’s perspective without jumping to conclusions or becoming defensive.


#2. Rebuild Trust and Forgiveness

Trust is a fundamental element in marriage, and rebuilding it can be challenging once it’s broken. Whether due to infidelity, dishonesty, or other breaches of trust, both partners must work towards rebuilding this foundation.

Example: John and Lisa faced a crisis when Lisa discovered John’s financial secrets. Feeling betrayed, Lisa considered leaving the marriage. However, through counseling and a commitment to transparency, John worked to rebuild Lisa’s trust, and they eventually repaired their relationship.

Tip: If trust has been broken, both partners need to be transparent and honest moving forward. This may involve discussing past mistakes, setting boundaries, and seeking professional help if necessary. Forgiveness is crucial, as holding onto past grievances can prevent moving forward.


#3. Prioritize Quality Time Together

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, couples often neglect to spend quality time together, leading to feelings of disconnection and isolation. Making time for each other is essential for maintaining intimacy and understanding.

Example: Karen and Mike struggled with a lack of connection due to their busy schedules filled with work, chores, and family commitments. Despite being constantly together, the spark was lost. Fearing they would have nothing in common after their children left home, Karen sought counseling. Vitalina Tarasenko, one of our family and relationship experts, recommended setting aside one evening each week for a date night, free from distractions. This time allowed Karen and Mike to reconnect and rekindle their romance.

Tip: Make a conscious effort to prioritize time together. Whether it’s a weekly date night, a weekend getaway, or simply enjoying a meal together without distractions, these moments can strengthen your bond and remind you why you fell in love.


#4. Rediscover Shared Goals and Values

Over time, couples can drift apart as their individual goals and values evolve. It’s important to regularly check in with each other to ensure that you’re still aligned in your shared goals and values.

Example: Rachel and Kenneth realized they had grown apart when Kenneth expressed his desire to quit his job and move to Florida to become a tennis instructor, while Rachel wanted to immerse herself in New York’s cultural scene. By discussing their goals with a our life and health couch, Alexandra Alexandrova, they found common ground in their desire to travel and focus on personal growth, bringing them closer together.

Tip: Regularly discuss your future plans and dreams with your partner. Understanding each other’s aspirations and working towards common goals can strengthen your bond and provide a sense of unity.


#5. Seek Professional Help

Many of the couples we mentioned sought professional help to navigate their challenges. Sometimes, the issues in a marriage are too complex to resolve independently. A skilled therapist or counselor can provide a neutral perspective and offer tools and strategies to navigate your challenges.

Example: Emily and Jim were on the brink of divorce due to ongoing conflicts and frustration. For the sake of their child, they decided to try couples therapy, even though they were skeptical. They found the Advanced Therapy Institute and chose our counselor, Michael Buchman LAS,  to help them. With Michael’s sensitive approach and practical advice, Emily and Jim learned effective communication techniques and strategies for resolving disputes. “We now have a blueprint to follow when we don’t know how to react or what to say,” says Emily. The couple didn’t divorce and continue to attend therapy sessions.

Tip: Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you’re struggling. A therapist can provide valuable insights and guidance, helping you work through issues and strengthen your relationship.


We Are Here For You

A broken marriage doesn’t have to mean the end of your relationship. With effort, patience, and a willingness to work through your issues, it is possible to mend the cracks and build a stronger, healthier marriage. Remember, every relationship faces challenges, but how you handle them can make all the difference.

If you’re struggling to fix your marriage, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. The Advanced Psychology Institute offers expert counseling services to help you navigate the complexities of your relationship and find a path forward.

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If you’re considering couples therapy for your family, it’s essential to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to explore the underlying dynamics of your relationships. Contact us to learn more about how our tailored therapy sessions can support your family’s unique needs and goals.

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